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He makes no distinction between verbal behavior and motor behavior. Describe the act of learning according to Skinner. Stimuli that follower behavior and increase the probability of that behavior occurring again are called reinforcing stimuli. Describe Skinner’s ideas as applied to verbal behavior. Obviously Skinner would not award anything like "style points" to a behavior because of the qualitative dimension to this. The main independent variable involved in learning for Skinner is whether that learning is reinforced.
Because these behaviors have been reinforced these people persist with these behaviors that we have defined as creative. Secondary reinforcers or things like praise and money that have to be learned through being paired with primary reinforcers before they have reinforcing value. Hannum reviewing Skinner's theory by clicking the icon above. Another type of ratio schedule can happen when you vary how many responses have to happen before one is reinforced. Thus, you may reinforce the next response that occurs after a two-minute interval past if this was a two-minute fixed interval schedule. However, if the bell has not rung and the student gets up and runs out of class it's a very different consequence. Describe the four consequences that alter behavior, giving definitions and examples of each. These can be based on a fixed time interval or a variable time interval.
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